hello@chac.com +65 8683 6572

As the animals are a vital part of our team, we hope that all present are comfortable with their presence in sessions. Animals have subjective experiences, feelings, and triggers. As such, Centre for Human-Animal Connection (CHAC) LLP is responsible for their welfare. At times, their behaviour cannot always be predicted. Mitigatory efforts has been made to reduce harm to both humans and animals, with external program venues equipped with reasonable resources to prevent foreseeable incidents. In addition, stressors are minimised so as to reduce discomfort to the animals involved. Listed below are possible risks associated with animal interaction sessions. The next section includes some rules participants should abide by to reduce the aforementioned risks. This list is non-exhaustive.

  1. There will be animals in program venues. If you or any participants have allergies to any animals, or their food (e.g. hay or grass), notify the point of contact (i.e. a representative of the organisation organising the session) in advance. CHAC cannot give out medication for allergies, as such, a gentle reminder that CHAC will not accept liability for allergic reactions that occur during the sessions.
  2. Animals have their own natural defences. Despite the staff having mitigatory measures to prevent any injury, there is still a likelihood of injury from scratches or bites. CHAC does not accept liability for any injuries occurring during the sessions.
  3. For their own safety and dignity our animals are not declawed. While we routinely trim their claws, when playing it is possible to get scratched. This is especially true for cats.
  4. While all our animals have been screened by a veterinarian before commencing to work, animals do sometimes carry disease. Because participants’ contact is not prolonged, this risk is very small. CHAC does not accept liability for any infections in lieu of the sessions.

The animals have individual rights just as each client has rights. Therefore, the animal has the right to decide if and when they participate with others. (i.e initial plan may include that animal in the session, but if the animal displays adverse behaviour, the animal will never be forced to participate.)

The animals will have their own quiet space (ie. playpen) in the room where they can rest, sleep, or take a quiet break. The animals should not be disturbed when they are in this area.

The animals are always treated gently. They should never be mishandled or mistreated, which includes but not limited to being hit, tails or any other parts pulled, carried or treated in any other way that is uncomfortable to them. CHAC reserves the right to remove any participant who infringes on the animal’s welfare.

If, at any time, the animal shows signs of distress, irritation, fear, anxiety, or in any way acts in a negative manner, they are removed from the situation/activity. No individual, except the educator or handler, should touch or interact with the animal during these times. The educator or handler will assess and determine whether it is possible for the animal to return to the session.

Animals will only be carried by the educator or handler (unless specifically stated otherwise in the program outline). No one is allowed to interact with the animal without supervision.

We ask that all clients and visitors keep their voices down when inside the activity area so as not to cause distress to the animals.

No smoking is allowed near the animals. 

Caregivers of children under the age of 10 can remain on the premises during their child’s session.

CHAC reserves the right to replace the animal-assisted activity without prior notice or consent if the animal is unwell or unable to be present that day.

Our Animal Assisted Education Program Includes

Experience the transformative power of Animal Assisted Education (AAE) and provide your learners with unique and enriching educational experiences. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how it can benefit your educational institution or organization.